A Robust Building Energy Management Algorithm Validated in a Smart House Environment

Authors: Avijit Saha, Murat Kuzlu, Manisa Pipattanasomporn, Saifur Rahman, Onur Elma, Ugur S. Selamogullari, Mehmet Uzunoglu & Bunyamin Yagcitekin
Publisher: Intelligent Industrial Systems volume 1, pages 163–174 (2015)
Published on: 05/28/2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40903-015-0004-y
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A building energy management (BEM) system is a core hardware/software platform that enables demand response applications for building operators in the smart grid environment. This paper presents the BEM algorithm that is designed to be robust against communication failures and data errors. It has been implemented in the smart building located at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey, and results are reported herein. Appliance usage profiles and customer preferences used in the BEM demonstration were derived from a survey of Turkish customers. Both summer and winter usage profiles were used to validate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm in a real-world smart building environment. The paper also discusses lessons learned from field implementation.

Automated demand response (ADR), Building energy management (BEM), Smart house implementation